HOMEMADE VEGAN DORITOS #vegetariansnacks

HOMEMADE VEGAN DORITOS #vegetariansnacks

The idea of constructing home-baked vegetarian Doritos extremely originated from this vegetarian tortilla chip Cheese Dorito seasoning direction (pure genius) from vegetarian Richa, that reciprocally impressed ME to require it one step any. I had to form them into chips! i do know, shocker right? If you recognize ME, you recognize regarding my chip obsession. thus I browsed the ingredients list of that seasoning and went into my room and created my very own version (thank you once more, Richa!) American state and did I mention that I additionally created 2 additional seasonings?! See below.

How will Spicy Taco and funky Ranch sound? American state no she didn’t. American state affirmative I did. Did I simply say that to myself as myself? i need to be crazy from the Cool Ranch…

HOMEMADE VEGAN DORITOS #vegetariansnacks

  • 6 corn tortillas (make sure that these are on the thinner side–if not they will be crispy along the edges but a little chewier in the middle)
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • Seasoning of choice (see above)

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line your baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper.
  2. Place your tortillas on top of each other. Cut into 8 pie slices.
  3. In a medium-sized bowl place the “chips” inside and drizzle the olive oil over them until each side and piece is nicely covered.
  4. Coat each chip with seasoning of choice by sprinkling the seasoning with a spoon over it, making sure that both sides are perfectly coated.
  5. Place on the baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes, rotating your pan at the 7 minute mark. You want the edges to be lightly browned but keep your eye on burning during the last 2 minutes.
  6. Allow to cool before thoroughly enjoying.

Source : bit.ly/2RYWpRE

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