Creamy Salmon Bake #dietfood

Isn’t it funny however our tastes amendment with the seasons? It’s been therefore cold and gray outside as I write this, and fast as a flash, all i need is nutrient. one thing to wrap ME up and provides ME a hug from the plate.

I’ve been reading (and LOVING) this book about hygge. It’s inspired me so much to find more moments of simple pleasure in my day to day life. The Norwegian translation is to make things ‘koselig’ and this salmon dish is definitely hygge or koselig.

The meaning of both is something along the lines of coziness, spending time with loved ones, being inside when it’s raining outside. It’s working for a rest afterwards, so a blustery walk followed by sitting in front of the fire. Or coming in from a drizzly commute to a dish of creamy carbs.

This dish of creamy, cheesy, potatoes with smokey flavour is definite hygge food.

Creamy Salmon Bake #dietfood

Ingredients :
  • 4 large Potatoes peeled
  • 2 Onions finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons Butter unsalted (plus extra for greasing)
  • 230 g Norwegian salmon fillet
  • 1 tablespoon Lemon juice
  • 170 g Cream cheese
  • 120 g Smoked salmon
  • 2 tablespoon fresh Dill chopped
  • 4 medium free range Eggs
  • 300 ml Milk semi skimmed
  • Salt and pepper 

Instructions :
  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
  2. Boil the potatoes for 5 mins to soften slightly. Drain and set aside.
  3. Gently fry the onions in the butter until translucent. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice over the Norwegian salmon fillets and steam for 5-8 minutes. This will ensure the salmon flakes easily. Make sure the Norwegian salmon is then skinned and boned and break it into sizeable chunks.
  5. Lightly grease a deep casserole dish, and make a bottom layer with the potatoes.
  6. Gently layer the cream cheese on top of the potatoes.
  7. Add both types of salmon, fried onions (with the butter) and dill.
  8. Mix together the eggs and milk with salt and pepper and pour on top other ingredients.
  9. Bake for 40 mins until golden and firm.

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